- July 12, 2016
- By hdmotorwerks
- In Diagnostics, Engine, Filters, Oils
- 6549
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911s have great performance but they do need maintenance. Oil leaks are a common problem on older Porsche models as well as new models. Valve covers are infamous for leaking, specifically on the 911s equipped with magnesium valve covers. If it is leaking, change the gaskets first. There are available silicone beaded gaskets which more flexible and stop oil leaks, is a better suit than standard gaskets. If your oil leaks doesn’t stop, consider upgrading to Turbo Valve Covers.
The crankcase breather hose connects to the top of the engine and is sealed to the case by a gasket. Changing this gasket requires the removal of the engine or fuel injection system, and they should be addressed every time you have access to it. It’s possible that crankcase breather hose could be a source of oil leaks. It usually comes loose and slips of the mount. We recommend that you ensure that the hose has a secure clamp on it.
The oil cooler thermostat o-ring is an additional cause of oil leaks. Replacement is nearly impossible without removing the engine or the fuel injection. The oil pressure switch that is in the back of the fuel injection is one of those troublesome parts that have a habit to fail. We recommend changing this part out every time any one has access to the engine or fuel injection.
When the engine is out, getting to the oil cooler is easier than when it’s still in the car. The oil cooler seals are notorious for their tendency to spring leaks. Replacing these seals are easier once the oil cooler has been taken out.
The flexible oil cam lines become dilapidated over time, and leaks where the rubber encounter the hard lines. These lines are for the most part accessible from the rear of the car. The only component that can block it is the distributor, which can be removed. Although not a high oil pressure area the distributor o-ring that seals it to the engine case may fail. Ensure that you put the engine at Top Dead Center before you displace the distributor. That way, you can make sure that you replace the distributor into its proper position again.
The oil pressure sender can leak from its base or directly from the main unit. Replacement is easy because the unit is situated towards the rear of the car. Wrapping a bit of Teflon pipe sealing tape around the connection will prevent leaking.
Underneath the crankshaft pulley is located the main shaft seal. Replacement requires removing the motor mount, the pulley, and a few other parts to reach the seal. It can be removed and pressed in similar to the replacement of the flywheel seal.
All these issues can be taken care of our trained Porsche technician book an appointment today.